CY 2022 Greenhouse
Gas Emissions
We protect agencies safe from cyber threats
KC LLC measured and established an estimated baseline of our greenhouse gas emissions for Calendar Year 2022 for our leased facility and controlled by the company.
KC’s GHG emissions report provides measurement of our Scope 2 emissions, as well as our Scope 3 emissions for CY 2022. KC attests that the Scope 2 and 3 GHG emissions were calculated in accordance with the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.
In calendar year 2022, KC’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions measured approximately 0.971 metric tons CO2e. Its Scope 3 emissions measured approximately 3.371 metric tons CO2e. The entirety of KC’s emissions are from the electricity used in the facilities we lease, which is commercial office space, and from employee business travel and commuting.
KC is committed to further reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and our impact on the climate. We will establish annual reduction targets for 2023 and beyond. We believe that establishing these short and mid-term goals will enable us to achieve a reduction in our emissions in our goal to achieve net-zero.
KC is your reliable and trusted advisor
We are your government contracting resource that provides every solution you need.
Relevant Case Studies
Learn more about what KC is doing to contribute to global cyber security, agile software development, AWS cloud services, GDP, jobs and sustainability.
Our Cyber Security, Software Development and Program Management focus areas (and work methodology) ensure that we can deliver not just solutions, but architecture that scales and grows with the customer's needs over time. We are able to assist in projects ranging from short advisory engagements to assembling a full team to deliver a solution from concept through implementation and on-going management. KC has access to industry experts in various technologies and teaming partners to meet any of your IT challenges. The vision of KC is to bring the innovation, passion and agility of the commercial IT industry to meet the unique challenges of the federal government. We are a DOD Cleared Facility with a DCAA-approved accounting system.
Felix Martin, 571 435 7632
GSA OASIS Pool 1 and 3 NIH CIO-SP3 8(a) & SB Air Force SBEAS
Army RS3
Navy Seaport-NexGen FAA eFAST